in dec a dence i take thee by the hand too frail to gain the pro mised land too frail to take your pain aw ay too frail a seq uel of dec ay an an gel strays on my door so frail and lost with in to wheep on her days of yore my dec a dent come her stain and tears up on my floor the sor row that she de vo tion of a life out worn in de ca dence come Used Used an an gel strays on my door so frail and lost with in to wheep on her days of yore my dec a dent come her stain and tears up on my floor the sor row that she de vo tion of a life out worn in de ca dence come may thy lids des orb in em er ald seas a pe nding sol i tar y though thy pain re deems life it seems be a frag ile san ctu a ry