I had wrists don- ning slits flow- ing con- stant- ly. My bro- ken bod- y in a wreck, wrap- ped a- round a tree. A cross walk hit and run the fin- ish line for me. Peo- ple clut- ter in the gut- ter take a look and see. No es- cap- ing pain you be- long to me Clinging on to life by the skin of my teeth No es- cap- ing pain you be- long to me Clinging on to life by the skin of my teeth My blood flows del- uge from the wounds. Emp- ty jars of sleep- ing pills on the dresser in my room My wet brain neighbor cranes his neck to see in time. The white lights a train bear- ing down on me. No es- cap- ing pain you be- long to me Clinging on to life by the skin of my teeth No es- cap- ing pain you be- long to me Clinging on to life by the skin of my teeth I won't feel the hurt I'm not trash an- y longer That that does- nt kill me On- ly makes me stronger I need a ride to the morgue that's nine one is for. So tag my toe and don't get ooh close the drawer No es- cap- ing pain you be- long to me Clinging on to life by the skin of my teeth No es- cap- ing pain you be- long to me Clinging on to life by the skin of my teeth