It was ve- ry close yes- ter- day, I thought that they but this at- tack that I have planned, mas- -sive strike cross op- en land. In the cen- -tre, they break, but Will Will planned e- very- they they thing's stake. We'll break? break? hit 'em hard, not a si- lent gun be- fore the in- fan- try's be- gun. Ex- e- cute it well, we risk e- very- thing. Its in God's hands Ge- neral Lee I must tell you straight, that I be- lieve this 'ttack fail. No fif- teen sand men ver made will o- ver- take that ridge day. A mile ver o- pen ground, with Yan- kee can- non gunnin' We do our du- ty, we do what must, and in my plan you will trust. Thou- sands die, Ex- e- cute it well, we risk e- very- thing. on this day. Its in God's hands The re- bel can- non break si- lence, one hun- dred fif- ty guns their can- no- nade. They the U- nion Cen- tre, be- fore in- fan- try can launch their grand sault. The Yan- kees are re- tur- ning fi- re. (The shakes ly) In Wa- shing- ton D. C. Lin- coln feels the Earth shake. What ha- ppen here this day, the fate of this na- tion. In the ba- lance it will hang, con- sumed with the pain. The cou- of the blue, the va- lor of the grey. So ve- ry sad but true, con- sumed with the pain. The Vir- gi- nians are the cho- sen. In wait be- hind the trees se- mi- na- ry ridge. Long- to give the or- der. The lines merge, a mile, fif- ty thou- sand men. The charge gins in all its gran- deur. (To the copse trees) For ma- ny of these men, know it is their The slaugh- now en- sues, bo- dies fall like rain. They va- liant- ly pur- sue, yet doomed re- main. At the dou- ble quick they charge, the ca- nis- ter rips through them. To the mouth hell they march, glo- ry the on- ly gain. We're most there my boys, I've ne- ver served ner. We must for- ward and ba- yo- net the Yan- kee ty- rants. To the copse trees charge, to crush U- nion Cen- tre. And when turn and run, an op- en road leads to f- ree- dom. Charge! Its o- ver now we are re- treat- ing I ne- ver thought we'd be bea- ten. All this blood is on my hands, the thou- sands to my plan. I am res- pon- si- ble, all of it is my fault. I thought in- vin- ci- ble, is this God's af- ter all? I looked cross this blood- soaked all this blood on my hands. God for- give me, please give me. It's all my fault, the blood on my hands.