By the last breath the fourth winds blow. Bet- ter raise your ears, The sound of hooves knock at your door, Lock up your wife and chil- dren now. It's time to wield the blade. For now you've got some com- pa- ny. Horse- men are draw- ing near- er. On leath- er steed they ride. They've come to take your life. On through the dead of night. with the Four Horse- men ride or choose your fate and die Oh, yeah, yeah! You've been dying since the the day you've born You it's all been planned The quartet of de- live- ran- ce rides. A sin- er once, a sin- ner twice, No need for con- fession now 'Cause now you've got the light of your life Horse- men are draw- ing near- er. On leath- er steed they ride. They've come to take your life. On through the dead of night. with the Four Horse- men ride or choose your fate and die Oh, yeah, yeah! Time has tak- en it's toll on you. The lines that crack your face Fam- ine your bod- y it has torn through. With- ered in ev- 'ry place Pes- ti- lence. for what you had to en- dure. For what you have put oth- ers through. Death, de- liv- 'rance for you for sure. Now there's noth- ing you can do So gath- er round young war- riors now, And sad- dle up your steeds. Kill- ing sco- res with de- mon swords. Now is the death of doers of wrong. Swing the judge- ment hammer down. Safe- ly inside armor, blood, guts and sweat Horse- men are draw- ing near- er. On leath- er steed they ride. They've come to take your life. On through the dead of night. with the Four Horse- men ride or choose your fate and die Oh, yeah, yeah!