there's co- lors on the street red white and blue peo- ple shuff- lin' their feet peo- ple sleep- in' in their shoes there's a warn- ing sign on the ro- ad a- head there's a lot of peo- ple say- ing we'd be we'd be off dead don't feel like sat- an but I am to them so I try to for- get it a- ny way I can keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world I see a wo- man in the night with a ba- by in her hand un- der old street light in a gar- bage can now she puts the kid a- way and she's go- ne get a hit she hates hers life and what she's done to it the- re's one more kid that will ne- ver go to school ne- ver get to fall in love ne- ver get to be cool keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world we've got a thou- send points of light for the home- less man we've got a kind- der gent- ler ma- chine gun hand we've got de- part- ment stores and toi- let pa- per got sty- ro- foam bo- xes for the ozo- ne layer got a man of the peo- ple says keep hope a- live got fu- el to burn got ro- ads to drive keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world keep on rock- in' in the free world