Intro Intro Intro Intro Yes, ...but ...because ...harmonics Riff Riff Rat tailed is a second hand hood deals Verse Verse Verse Verse out in Holly wood Got sixty-five Che- vy primered traded Jig- sawed gang but I hear he's do- in' O K Got co- zy lit- tle job sells mob packages can- dy caine He's the He's Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus the He's the Cops on corner al- ways nore some Verse Verse Verse Verse rat gettin' paid Jim- my's laws for hire Got made in the Got little but night always sellin' sugar people call this He's the He's Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus the He's the He's gonna I've got one thing you'll Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge He's not what man Got one eas- i- ly understood He's the one they Doctor Feel- good oh yeah He'll tell streets Verse Verse Verse Verse Came by says Two time lo- ser run- nin' time to move quick Heard rumor Jimmy's this time it's gonna stick He's the He's Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus the He's the He's gonna And let just Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Some peo- ple him man Let him introduce himself real good He's Feel- good so good Again, Interlude Interlude Interlude Yes, ...but ...because Guitar! ...harmonics Guitar Guitar Guitar Artifical I've got one thing He's not what man Got one eas- i- ly understood He's the one they Doctor Feel- good Wow! Outro Outro Outro Doctor Feel- good Doctor Feel- good Doctor Feel- good Doctor Feel- good