We're ttle tures Deep side you Some us their fan- ta- sy But some ne- ver You can teach philo- sophy But still they must commend The state of our e- xis- tence Right to your Wel- come to this place in here Come ver- step all your fears Where ve you I been once When was a- lone? When a ro In cra- zy cked show You've sent no li- ttle spark In- to my dar- kened of life Did not make me ask For what wrong and what right And still I re- gret to be here I'm drea- ming of A- nna in tears In- side So de- ep side You will die if I don't dream ny- more In- side So de- ep side You will die if I don't dream ny- more In- side So de- ep side You will die if I don't dream ny- more In- side So de- ep side You will die if I don't dream ny- more oh ohhh ho oh oh oh ow Dream ny- more