Tabbed Where do I go? Ne- ver had a ve- ry re- al dream be- fore Now got a vi- si- on o- pen door Gui- ding me home Where be- long Dream- land I have come Oh oh Ne- ver had a fle- sh and bloody Where go? Oh like this before yeah yeah Got new rence when passed the door Is it a dream within? Oh what is going on? Down down Go down down Go down go I down ro- am to no- whe- re Don�t see an end e- ter- nal waste- lan- ds And I hear the vo- i- ce The voice the voice the voice Ha- lle- luj- ah Ha- lle- luj- ah Ha- lle- luj- ah Ha- lle- luj- ah Aaah ohh ohh Ha- lle- luj- ah Ha- lle- luj- ah Ha- lle- luj- ah Ha- lle- luj- ah Aaah ohh ohh Ne- ver been a figh- ter ne- ver been a man But I must help Van- droy he�s my on- ly frien- d No- where to go but I now that he know how We will get her out Ma- gic of trans- cen- dence brought this place Van- droy in re- a- li- ty lead me on my ra- ce Told me to bring back the seal But still I don�t know where shall go Can you feel the voice? You don�t have a cho- o- oice What a ??? kind of li- fe Free- dom in flesh shack- on your mind Go all the Go all the way to the way to the to- wer! to- wer! Find out the se- crets be- hind Go all the Go all the way to the way to the to- wer! to- wer! For all the wis- dom of a- ges does- n�t die Man have good in- ten- tions On their way the light But some of them are ve- nom And end up in the ni- ght May- be it�s bet- ter for you man- kind not to know what�s on Some- times we must go Ways that seem to be wro- o- ong What a Ah ah kind of ah oh life oh Free- in flesh Free- in flesh shakeles in your mi- ind Go all the Go all the way to the way to the to- wer! to- wer! Find out the se- crets be- hind Go all the Go all the way to the way to the to- wer! to- wer! Find out the name of the one Who reigs from in- side Aaah I re- a- lize For the glo- ry For the glo- ry pick For the glo- ry For the glo- ry Ah What is go- ing on? For the glo- ry For the glo- ry For the glo- ry I re- a- For the glo- ry lize Ah What is go- ing on? For the glo- ry For the glo- ry For the glo- ry For the glo- ry Ah Ah What is What is go- ing go- ing on? on? For the glo- ry For the glo- ry For the glo- ry For the glo- ry Ah Ah What is What is go- ing go- ing on? on? Ga- briel I can feel You have it back book and se- e- al Still no war is won we have just be- gun Go all the Go all the way to the way to the to- wer! to- wer! Find out the se- crets be- hind Go all the Go all the way to the way to the to- wer! to- wer! Find out the name of the one Who reigns inside Go all the Go all the way to the way to the to- wer! to- wer! Find out the se- crets be- hind Go all the Go all the way to the way to the to- wer! to- wer! Find out the name of the one Of the o- o- o- o- one oh oh ohh Oh, Or