One more night to bear th-----is night--------------mare What more do i have to say Cry------ ECHO ing for me ECHO was ECHO ne---ver ECHO worth a te-----------ar---------- ECHO ECHO My lon-----ley ECHO soul is on----ly ECHO filled with ECHO fear ECHO ECHO ECHO Lo-------------ng ho------rs of lo-----ne-----li----------nes be----twe----en me and the sea Lo-----sing e----------mot---tion Fin------ding de--------vo------tion Should dress in white search se------a As i al---ways wished be---------- One with the waves O---------cean Wal------ ECHO king the time-- line ECHO i ECHO hear your ECHO name is an--gels whi--spe-ring ECHO ECHO Some-------------thing ECHO so beau----ti------ ECHO ful it ECHO hurts------------ ECHO ECHO ECHO Lo-------------ng ho------rs of lo-----ne-----li----------nes be----twe----en me and the sea I on------------ly wished to be--------come some----thing beau----ti--------ful through mu---------sic through si---lent devo----tion Lo-----sing e----------mot---tion Fin------ding de--------vo------tion Should dress in white search se------a As i al---ways wished be---------- One with the waves O---------cean Lo-----sing e----------mot---tion Fin------ding de--------vo------tion Should dress in white search se------a As i al---ways wished be---------- One with the waves O---------cean Soul