tempo Make hold each hands And with truth You made so do as di vined Mmm mmm tempo Put armour ragged fights Hold sword you're light Make ready for of the dark They'll way so cautions, hark tempo You whispering in of trees You're 'round but agree Will wisps path You throw curse with wrath Watch out for seas of sin or all us people for get we've been Our only tempo Kill that satan won't be Our tempo only victory tempo Kill satan won't be tempo kill tempo You're tempo keeper that lock And seer said he hide rescue or world we're will soon to throne lucifer's to throne lucifer's tempo You cold running neck And falseness throw back Guided spells of You're pain only steel stand Stay well on way and sign ful fill your do what's di vined The seven tempo Placed dust sway The tempo seven tempo Placed dust s tempo tempo You're tempo keeper that lock And seer said he hide rescue or world we're will soon to throne lucifer's to throne lucifer's Throw tempo Throw into fear Throw sea and make hands The fourt in to and fifth into i r tempo Disease disease disease this devil's Disease disease disease key die Disease disease disease my this devil's Disease disease disease key tempo d On mound last he's sitting sight with high sickness playing Man you a A bum s Don't see cruel Don't power throw throw k tempo An earthquake, squirting tempo fire, satan's screaming, and tempo swallowing You're tempo keeper k that locked the And seer can now there no no And mankind you're free yes tempo tyrand dead, gone, you given souls l Oh Woooo