Think Fixed Fixed There was no time for pain, no en- er- gy for an ger the sight lessness of ha tred slips a way. Walk ing through win ter streets a lone, he stops and takes a breath, with con fi dence and self con trol. I look at the world and see no un der- stand ing. I'm wait ing to find some sense of strength. I'm beg ging you, from the bot tom of my heart, to show me un der stand ing. I need to live a life like some peo ple ne ver will, so find me kind ness find me beau ty find me truth. When temp ta tion brings me to my knees, and I lay here drained of strength, show me kind ness show me beau ty show me truth. The way your heart sounds makes all the diff erence. It's what de cides if you'll en dure the pain that we all feel. The way your heart beats makes all the dif ference in learn ing to live. Spread be fore me is my soul, I'm learn ing to live. I won't give up 'till I've no more to give, no more to give! Whoa! Lis tening to the ci ty, whis per ing it's vi o lence, I set out watch ing from a bove. The nine ties bring new ques tions, new so lu tions to be found, I fell in love to be let down. Once a gain we dance in the crowd, at times a step a way from a com mon fear that's all spread out, it won't lis ten to what you say. Once you're touched you stand a lone to face the bi tter fight. Once I reached for love and now I reach for life. Fixed A no ther chance to lift my life. Free the sen sa tion in my heart, to ride the wings of dreams in to chang ine ho ri zons. It brings in ner peace with in my mind as I'm lift ed from where I've split my life. I hear an in no cent voice I hear kind ness beau ty and truth! The way your heart sounds makes all the dif ference, it's what de cides if you'll en dure the pain that we all feel. The way your heart beats makes all the dif ference in learn ing to live. Spread be fore you is your soul, so for ev er hold the dreams with in our hearts. Through na ture's in flex i ble grace, I'm learn ing to live!