He goes out at night with his big boots on None of his friends know right from wrong They kick a boy to death caus' he don't be- long you've got to hu- ma- nise your- self A po- lice man put on his un- i- form He'd like to have a gun just to keep him warm bec- ause viol- ence here is a so- cial norm youve got to hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self I work all day at the fac- to- ry I'm buil ding a ma- chine that's not for me There must be a rea- son that I can't see you've got to hu- ma- nise your- self Bil- ly's joigned the Na- tio- nal front He al- ways was a lit tle runt he's got his hand in the air with the oth er cunts You've got to hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self I work all day at the fac- to- ry I'm buil ding a ma- chine that's not for me There must be a rea- son that I can't see you've got to hu- ma- nise your- self Po- lice man put on his un- i- form He'd like to have a gun just to keep him warm bec- ause viol- ence here is a so- cial norm youve got to hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self Re- hu- ma- nise your- self