We were born born in the fif- ties born born in the Fif- ties Born born in the fif- ties Born born in the Fif- ties My mo- ther cried When pre- si- dent Ken- ne- dy died She said it was the com- mu- nists But I knew bet- ter would they drop the bomb on us while we made love on the beach We were the class they could' nt teach 'Cos we know bet- ter We were born born in the fif- ties born born in the Fif- ties born born in the fif- ties born born in the Fif- ties They screamed When the Bea- tles sang and they laughed when the king fell down the stars oh they should 've known bet- ter Oh we hat- -ed our Aunt Then we messed in our pants then we lost our faith and prayed to the T. V. Oh we shoul've known bet- ter We were born born in the fif- ties born born in the Fif- ties born born in the fif- ties born born in the Fif- ties We freeze like stat- -ues on the pa- ges of his- to- ry Liv- ing was nev- er like this when we took all those G. C. E's Oh You op- ened the door for us And then you turned to dust you don't un- der- stand us so don't re- pri- mand us we're tak- ing the fu- ture we don't need no tea- cher Born born in the fif- ties Born born in the Fif- ties born born in the fif- ties born born in the Fif- ties born born in the fif- ties born born in the Fif- ties born born in the fif- ties born born in the Fif- ties