Got a good rea - son for tak- ing the ea- sy way out Got a good rea - son for tak- ing the ea - sy way out now. She was a Day ---- ---- Trip- per, One way tic- ket, Yeah,------ It took me so------------------ She's a big tea - ser She took me half the way there. She's a big tea - ser She took me half - the way there now. She was a Day ---- ---- Trip- per, One way tic- ket, Yeah,------ It took me so------------------ long to find out, and I found out. Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Tried ---- to please ----- her She on- ly played ---- one night stands --- Tried ----- to please - her, She on- ly played - one night stands,--- ---- now. She was a Day ---- ---- Trip- per, Sun- day dri- ver Yeah,------ It took me so------------------ Day Trip- per Day Tri- per Yeah (Repeat (Repeat Day Trip- per Day Tri- per Yeah (Repeat (Repeat Day Trip- per Day Tri- per Yeah (Repeat (Repeat Day Trip- per Day Tri- per Yeah (Repeat (Repeat